My Takoyaki Version

I was curious why this Japanese snack became so famous. So, I tried the first takoyaki or octopus balls I can find. Since this ball-shaped snack is made as you order, I’ve waited for few minutes but got disappointed in the end. I thought takoyaki is not for me so I never tried again. UntilContinue reading “My Takoyaki Version”

Chicken adobo to the rescue!

It’s been so long…I’ve been juggling homeschooling, household chores, and work…with a toddler! 😁 As it is always a chaos at home, I took a break from writing. Of course, not from cooking and baking or else…a disaster! 😰 For a warm-up, I am sharing with you our household’s default dish when all runs out…chickenContinue reading “Chicken adobo to the rescue!”

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