Homemade Cassava Cake!

I started making my own when I got disappointed with my store-bought cassava cake. Well, it tasted sweet…nothing else. It is not even close to what we always buy in my hometown. Actually, we have to pre-order to avail their famous cassava cake. I dreamed of tasting it again. Since preparing fresh tapioca is aContinue reading “Homemade Cassava Cake!”

Accidental Chewy Cookies

I have been experimenting these days for the best “coffeeshop quality” cookies. I like my cookies to be soft and chewy. My usual batch of oatmeal cookies are the chunky crisp ones (Easy Oatmeal Cookies) which are also naturally addictive. Recently, I craved for chewy cookies. Baking them is my only option as I amContinue reading “Accidental Chewy Cookies”

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