Sausage rolls time!

Hmmm…I missed the smell of freshly baked breads. So just like what I usually do…I prepared the dough a night before, and baked them in the morning. Now I am enjoying a soft delicious sausage roll with my coffee! I used the same Easy Bread Rolls recipe in making these soft rolls. Boiled some chickenContinue reading “Sausage rolls time!”

Air Fryer Baked Donuts

Two hours before snack time and I was still thinking what to prepare for my kids. I decided to make some Soft Donuts but with less sugar and no oil. So, air frying is the key! Most of the time, if I have options to bake or fry, I definitely bake as I don’t wantContinue reading “Air Fryer Baked Donuts”

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